A Conversation for The h2g2 Post 16.11.20
Quotes and Turtles
cactuscafe Started conversation Nov 15, 2020
Nice edition! I love the rhyming Quotes of the Week. Some fine rhymes there.
And the turtles video. heheh. Funny video. The turtles make me chuckle, don't know why.
Didn't know where to comment on either of these, so dropped into this box for a quick cuppa and a consideration.
Quotes and Turtles
cactuscafe Posted Nov 15, 2020
Oh really? I wonder if I missed a turtle point here somewhere. Ooops.
I don't go to Twitter, so I miss the point of most things that are going on. Like, everywhere, in this world and all other worlds.
Quotes and Turtles
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 16, 2020
This is the perfect place to discuss all things turtley, CC.
See, we have many kinds of turtles in the US. Only a few of them are nasty, like alligator snapping turtles. Most are at worst picturesque, at best affectionate and make good pets. There are water turtles and land turtles, also called terrapins. Some are large, some are small, and the ones from the Galapagos Islands are the oldest of all...
Lots of us have had turtles as pets, and thus fail to understand FWR's terror of the things. Or his use of them in horror stories...
That all started because of the QI Elves. We have a bantering relationship with the QI Elves on Twitter. We retweet them, we also joke with them. It goes back and forth. One day, the QI Elf du jour tweeted out that in India, they had imported 'flesh-eating turtles' to clean the corpses out of the Ganges.
This made sense to me, except that I found the use of the term 'flesh-eating' to be a bit...er, de trop, shall we say? Do we call our cats 'flesh-eating' because they are obligatory carnivores? Well?
So I retweeted to h2g2. Asteroid Lil replied, as I expected her to, with a bon mot about the US Senate Majority Leader, who is commonly compared to a turtle due to his obvious lack of chin. Also because no one likes him except, alas, his constituency in Kentucky, who have re-elected this horror.
FWR, naturellement, replied with a scary story about flesh-eating turtles.
Quotes and Turtles
FWR Posted Nov 16, 2020
Dang it, my secrets out, not really scared of the little guys, but enjoyed writing a horror story!
Quotes and Turtles
cactuscafe Posted Nov 17, 2020
Oh, now I understand all and absolutely everything.
Thanks for the explanation, Mister D. In fact, this explanation, in itself, is a bit of a legendary piece of writing.
I'm kind of glad I read it this morning, rather than yesterday.
See, yesterday afternoon, I went to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. There's a TV screen on the ceiling, so when you lie back you get all relaxed with soothing videos.
Well, I lay back, checked the video, and burst out laughing. It was a turtle video. . I explained all. 'I have these friends, they're very creative people, right now they have a turtle thing going on, not sure what though ..(I eye up the video in an exaggerated way) Much hilarity all round.
If I'd known, I might have laughed even more. Beware the flying tooth. eeeerugh.
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Quotes and Turtles
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