A Conversation for Nature Puzzle of the Week: Unknown Bug
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Willem Started conversation Jul 26, 2020
Blister beetle! They exude an irritating fluid when threatened.
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Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Jul 26, 2020
Ah ha! Nothing will eat me! I've adapted to look like the strongest chilli ever attempted to be eaten
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jul 28, 2020
On Twitter Jez (Old Dog, Old Tricks) writes:
'Soldier beetle. Trichodes alvearius. I should get a life...'
Sure looks like them, and France is in their range!
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Willem Posted Jul 28, 2020
I stand corrected! But if a Trichodes, I think this one looks more like Trichodes apiarius.
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Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Jul 28, 2020
Trichodes apiarius.
yep! Looks like onebut it could also be a Dennis the Menace
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paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 29, 2020
Blister beetles are caustic if they get their spray on you. Ho can you keep them out of your garden? By getting rid of plants that attract them: Pigweed, Ironweed, and Ragweed.
But that applies to places where this particular Blister Beetle is in its range. In Massachusetts, there is only the black blister beetle, which is, well, black.
I have ragweed (or goldenrod) growing in my yard. I will just be careful and steer clear of it.
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Willem Posted Jul 29, 2020
It means in apiarius the bottom tip of the 'shell' is black, while in alvearius it is red. But that's not visible in the photo so I go more by the shape of the black and red bands. They're horizontally symmetrical in apiarius but asymmetrical in alvearius. I'm just going by shots I can find, I'm not an expert on these things.
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Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Jul 29, 2020
When I was 11yrs old, I went on a school trip holiday to Spain
Whilst there, I saw some "Colorado potato beetles" and knew what they could do, so I caught a good few and put them in a jar
- to bring home and drop them in a field and then report them etc - as in a £££ reward
Alas! Being 11yrs oldwhen I got home, the "bugs" had died in the jar
and I knew I couldn't get away with dead bugs in a field
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paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 30, 2020
Why would you have wanted potato bugs in a field anyway>
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Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Jul 30, 2020
at that time, there was a £5 reward
if you saw one in a UK field
at 11yrs old - I thought
50 bugs X £5
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Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Jul 31, 2020
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paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Aug 1, 2020
Well, okay, you have me there.
So, what did you do with the dead bugs?
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Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Aug 1, 2020
It's a ...
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Aug 2, 2020
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paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Aug 2, 2020
Whose time, yours or theirs?
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Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. Posted Aug 3, 2020
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It's a ...
- 1: Willem (Jul 26, 2020)
- 2: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Jul 26, 2020)
- 3: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jul 28, 2020)
- 4: Willem (Jul 28, 2020)
- 5: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jul 28, 2020)
- 6: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Jul 28, 2020)
- 7: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 29, 2020)
- 8: Willem (Jul 29, 2020)
- 9: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jul 29, 2020)
- 10: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Jul 29, 2020)
- 11: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 30, 2020)
- 12: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Jul 30, 2020)
- 13: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 31, 2020)
- 14: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Jul 31, 2020)
- 15: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Aug 1, 2020)
- 16: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Aug 1, 2020)
- 17: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Aug 1, 2020)
- 18: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Aug 2, 2020)
- 19: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Aug 2, 2020)
- 20: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U. (Aug 3, 2020)
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