Ye Flowers of Scotland
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2020
Ye Flowers of Scotland
Paigetheoracle wrote this. (We are witnesses.)
The umbrellas of Spring have opened their green leaves and a fine dusting covers surfaces as though God the Baker had sprinkled the land with casting sugar. Cars, windows – all are blighted by this gleeful sneezing powder, scattered by nature to make us cough, sneeze, have watery eyes and itchy skin. Here in the Highlands of Scotland this dust is yellow because of the excessive covering of gorse and broom bushes everywhere. Some may think it is sand from the Sahara, but no, it is just pollen, darker in colour than snow and it doesn’t melt but hangs around until the rains come or it gets sneezed off noses. At times like this hay fever sufferers like myself, wish it was Winter again, still the good weather is not to be sneezed at (or is it?).
The yellow bushes are broom. The purple is ceanothus.