The h2g2 Post: 22.06.20

2 Conversations

A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 22nd June 2020

Earth and Sky

Lightning by FWR
It was a dark and stormy night…

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

It was, indeed, a dark and stormy night. Amazingly, at the exact same time, two h2g2 Researchers looked up in the sky and had the same thought: to capture the same storm on film. Unfortunately, FWR's camera battery was almost dead, and his filter was still on, but he still managed to produce the astonishing photo you see before you. Elsewhere in this issue, you will see the video SashaQ made of the same event. We are a wondrous lot of creatures, no matter what the Vogon Civil Service says.

A little while earlier on planet Earth, two other Researchers were embarked on a simultaneous enterprise: that of repeatedly hitting the Print Screen button while oohing and aahing at the space docking manoeuvre being executed some miles above our collective heads. Galaxy Babe's pics were much better than mine, and she wrote them up brilliantly, so you can enjoy them this week.

Are we political? Well, we make a few wry comments here and there. Are we observant? You betcha. We have more birds and bugs and nature and signs and wonders, and…let's run through a few highlights:
Iris by Dmitri Gheorgheni
  • Willem will show you an Atitlán Grebe. I will show you a cardinal taking off. Tavaron has bugs and butterflies. Paigetheoracle has a screw loose, but besides that, he's been pointing the camera at the flowering bushes of Scotland, a rare sockbird, and something you'll just have to help us figure out.
  • We have a quiz. We have captionables. We have kittycats. There is cinema and weird advice.
  • FWR once more explores the realm of the paranormal in Liverpool, which I'm beginning to think is the most haunted place in the UK. This is a true story, folks, and it's profusely illustrated and totally devoid of screaming tv presenters. What's not to like?
  • Ben Moore is back with news from the Covid-19 front. No, it's not safe to take the masks off.
  • Caiman Raptor Elk has discovered a remarkable piece of public art in Eindhoven. We appreciate the share. (He's ahead of the curve for next month's Create.)
  • There is humour, of a sort, and there are comics and cartoons. If Willem's captionable critter doesn't make you laugh out loud, I worry that your snorter is busted.
  • There are videos scattered throughout this issue. In one, I play the Hungarian suicide song. We defy augury, but you are warned.

Coming next week: rants, jokes, and informed speculation about AI, as the Post reviews this year's CogX conference. Plus, a new Create Challenge!

Have a good and safe week, though not necessarily a sane one!

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Quote of the Week:
QI Elves: All official rulings on the French language are made by members of the Académie Française. Members are known as Immortals and are required to wear the official uniform: a full coat (shown below), a bicorn hat, and a sword.

h2g2 Guide Editors: Why don't we English speakers get to dress up in fancy costumes and yell at people about confusing 'its' with 'it's'?

Asteroid Lil: And we should get medals for less/fewer, their/they're, and the its/it's thing you mentioned. Oak leaf cluster for wading into the Oxford Comma Debate. I could really strut that coat.


Create June 2020 by Freewayriding
June Create Challenge:
Backyard Nature
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And Now, a Shameless Plug
Post logo t-shirt
T-shirts! Buttons! Tote Bags!
No, we don't get all the money. We get about 5 bucks/euros for each t-shirt. But you're supporting the cause and getting wearable bragging rights. You'll be the envy of every hitchhiker from here to the Crab Nebula. Designed by Tavaron da Quirm.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Atitlán Grebe

Atitlan Grebe by Willem.



Storm Cloud Incoming!

Supermoon Behind Tree by DG


Mystery Shot
Mystery Sign by Paigetheoracle

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