A Conversation for Join the Q: Great Tits - the Birds, not the Internet Search

Garden birds

Post 1


We get great tits in our garden some times, along with blue tits. I didn't know they were so widespread though. smiley - smiley

Garden birds

Post 2


We get great tits, blue tits, coal tits, chaffinches, robins, tree sparrows, dunnets, collared doves, wood pigeons, the occasional crow and a gang of Jackdaws

Garden birds

Post 3

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks both smiley - biggrin

Yes, I get a few great tits as well as blue tits and dunnocks, but mostly house sparrows visit my bird feeder.

I'm impressed by your garden visitors, paigetheoracle smiley - ok I managed to find a pair of collared doves on my daily exercise walk, but they are a much rarer sight these days compared to in my youth. Woodpigeons are flourishing, though - I see plenty of them around the area these days smiley - ok

I'd like to see a tree sparrow in real life, but I do get to enjoy other people's pictures of them - like house sparrows but just a bit 'prettier' (for want of a better word) with their brown heads and white streaks smiley - ok

Garden birds

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Different types of Titmouse are represented in the U.S. Do these qualify as tits?

Garden birds

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

Yes, they do qualify - all members of the Paridae family smiley - oksmiley - tit

Garden birds

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

ye tufted titmouse was rarely seen in Massachusetts before 1959, but it has moved in and seems established now.

The black-capped titmouse is now known as the chickadee.

Garden birds

Post 7

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - ok

Ah, yes I know the chickadee from the Fairyland game I play smiley - biggrinA87788470

Garden birds

Post 8


As in my little chickadee, a term of endearment, I seem to remember WC Fields using and the title of one of his films, if I my memory serves me correctly?

Garden birds

Post 9

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Mae West and W C Fields were in that movie. It was probably West's most illustrious movie, but mainly because of Fields. Margaret Hamilton was also in that moviel.

Garden birds

Post 10


The last thing I ever saw her in was The Night Strangler, starring Darren McGavin as Kolchak.

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