A Conversation for Pylon

Comments: Pylon

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor


Low contrast gives a feeling of being in the clouds on this photo. Normally harsh outlines of the steelwork soften into the grey sky, but still shows off the intricate details. Subtle shot, Sasha!


These low-contrast pics always make me want to clean my glasses, but that's a vision thing. Atmospheric effect.

Comments: Pylon

Post 2


There's a part of France we cross where there are huge pylons criss-crossing the countryside. It looks as if the aliens have arrived. smiley - alienfrown

Comments: Pylon

Post 3

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Maybe they did?

Comments: Pylon

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks everyone smiley - biggrin

Yes, the Steel Lattice Towers F22162313?thread=8323460 (or Pylons as I call them) do look like they are striding across the landscape smiley - aliensmile

I increased the contrast of the photo on the computer, but it wasn't the clearest of days and the pylon was quite far away, so it still has a misty effect!

I enjoyed studying the geometry of the structure smiley - ok

Comments: Pylon

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I guessed that the towers had something to do with holding up the lines that carried electricity far and wide (well, mostly just far...).

But I also noticed those thingies between the towers, and they looked like Mickey Mouse ears, or perhaps ski gondolas, or something that aliens might use for traveling? smiley - smiley

smiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufosmiley - ufo

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