A Conversation for Pylon

Which bit is the Pylon?

Post 1

Bald Bloke

A friend of mine who worked on / up them assures me the correct term is SLT, Steel Lattice Tower and that the Pylons are the bits that support the insulators / cables.
I suspect that this is a case of while he is technically correct, current usage has overtaken terminological exactitude...

Which bit is the Pylon?

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok I'm sure you're right, but the Editor, who is ignorant, gets stuck with naming these photos. smiley - winkeye For years, I lived where I could see those things out my back window, and nobody ever called one an SLT in my hearing. I live and learn. smiley - laugh

Which bit is the Pylon?

Post 3


Always called them Stringers.

Which bit is the Pylon?

Post 4

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Interesting discussion.

I call them "hoogspanningsmasten". To see them I have to look up, because the cables run over my backyard.

At the moment there is a promise to try and solve this conundrum here (NL) by burying all the cables in the ground. Get rid of the pylons.

Which bit is the Pylon?

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I like that solution. smiley - smiley

Which bit is the Pylon?

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks BB - I had heard of that, now you mention it smiley - ok

"I suspect that this is a case of while he is technically correct, current usage has overtaken terminological exactitude..."

Yes indeed - 'pylon' sounds better as a word than SLT!

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