Merry Hoovermas!

1 Conversation

Merry Hoovermas!

Wlad the Organ Player by DG

It all started with that madcap NaJoPoMo venture '30 Hours in Hooverville'. I'd sort of envisioned it as h2g2's answer to Ulysses. I expected it to be full of low-key scenes, intense stream-of-consciousness monologuing, and gradually unfolding of character.

Freewayriding envisioned it as a tale of love, kidnapping, and motorbikes. The rest of them just went crazy.

As part of a somewhat Joycean tour of this (totally imaginary, honest!) town hidden in western Pennsylvania, my character, a musician named Wladislaw Winzekowski, in addition to inventing a new musical genre, composes some hymns for the First Church of Nighthoover. One is for Hoovermas. Here are the lyrics, which we hope that 2legs in particular will enjoy.

Happy Hoovermas, and may the golden roombas fly your way, bringing peace, joy, and improved floor cleanliness!'

Whence is that goodly suction coming,

Sweeping our sorrows all away?

Ne'er have we heard such glorious humming,

Ridding the world of its decay.

Whence is that goodly suction coming,

Sweeping our sorrows all away?

What is that light so cheerily blinking

Here in the night across our eyes?

Never so bright, the Hoover winking

Cleansing the clouds, till clear the skies!

What is that light so cheerily blinking

Here in the night across our eyes?

Hooverville! On your streets you will find him,

If in your hearts the currents flow,

Out with the grime! Let cleanliness prosper!

In with the new, let old things go.

Hooverville! On your streets you will find him,

Plug in the hoover, and lettuce spray!
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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