We Didn't Start the Fire Well, it's November. Time to moan about the cold weather in the northern hemisphere, anticipate rain in the southern, and get ready for upcoming celebrations. It's also time to celebrate NaJoPoMo around here. We hope you're enjoying those journals. If you want to find some, look at the thread at the bottom of the Create page. If you're writing, keep it up! Readers will be along to comment. If you like to look at pictures, the h2g2 Post has some at this location. We're going to have lots to ooh and aah at.
Speaking of celebrating things, 'tis the season for bonfires in merry old England, the country which commemorates domestic terrorism annually. Bluebottle's already found a sign of the times to share. Amazing that he found the time after all that beer-and-bussing, which he's also going to tell us about in this issue. Busy fellow.
We've got a lot to share this week, as usual. Let's give you the highlights:

- Photographers have been busy: There's amusing food. There are bugs. There are landscapes. There's even a dog or two. Plenty to admire and comment on. Speaking of dogs, that handsome fellow over there is Mrs McGillicuddy's new puppy Napoleon. He's small but fierce, was the explanation we got for his name. Daisy the dachshund doesn't seem to mind his attitude.
- There is amazing storytelling this week. Paigetheoracle finishes up a serial about a man who is differently mentated, while Freewayriding brings us the saga of two lead-footed policeman and a brand-new police van. Both writers insist that these pieces are fictional. Decide for yourselves.
- Yes, there are quizzes. Yes, there is humour. That's what it is, and we're insisting on the label. There's a music video featuring unusual means of transportation. Observe the tractor parking technique.
 - At left, please note how much Lola hated her Halloween costume. This issue is really going to the dogs.
- We know how Awix spent Halloween. He thinks this movie review might be 'topical and yet too late to be really interesting'. We disagree: as long as the UK is still lighting bonfires and burning politicians in effigy, the spooky stuff is welcome to linger.
 - On the right, admire Tavaron's Halloween sign, which she sent me 'for next Halloween'. I can't stand it, you need to see it now. We're sorry the rowdy teenagers stole your LED lights. Beautiful workmanship there.
- Among the photographs, please find bobstafford's helpful collection of vistas intended to enlighten Superfrenchie as to what the Brits see when they visit her country. He calls it 'France for Frenchie'. We're sure she'll approve.
- Roller coasters roll this week. Food catches fire. Hopefully, the 'Writing Right' is less incendiary than last week. One can never tell.
Personal thanks from the Post Editor for all the expressions of sympathy for Pittsburgh in the wake of the Squirrel Hill shooting. We'd like to make a word from Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto our Quote of the Week:
There is an outpouring that is being heard through the people of Pittsburgh right now, of where people want to see society move towards. It is not about finding ways to divide us. It is about finding ways that unite us through our commonality as humans. Let this horrific episode be another mark in the march of humanity towards recognizing that we are all one.
That's the city I know and love. It's the spirit of h2g2, too. Thank you all for being here, now, on this planet, and caring for one another.
Have a good week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni