Believe It or Not! What's the weather like where you are? The frost is definitely on the pumpkin in western Pennsylvania after last night. Yesterday, it looked like that out the medical centre window. This morning: sunny, cold, with early morning dog and cat nestled in bedcovers. They are heat-seeking mechanisms.
In the meantime, Mrs Hoggett's sister, Mrs McGillicuddy, is enjoying a respite from hurricanes down on the Georgia coast. She sent us an envy-inducing photo from her beach walk with Daisy, the dachshund puppy, to whom h2g2 Post greetings.
Superfrenchie says the weather in Madrid was weird. At least, if you believed the outdoor thermometers. You can see the proof in this week's issue. What is it with Superfrenchie and those thermometers? We suspect she's generating some sort of weather field when she travels.

Freewayriding says the weather was fine in Liverpool, but the traffic was awful. That's because there were giants moving around. He promised us a full report, and we've got it in this issue.
On the whole, we suspect you may find a lot of this week's contents a bit hard to believe. Oh, ye of little faith: we have photographic evidence! The insanity is fully documented. Here are some of the highlights:
- Willem tells you about dicynodonts. Personally, I have trouble believing in these extinct critters. But Willem has researched them, and he knows more than I do, so I'll take his word (and painting) for it. Enjoy!
- Awix, believe it or not, has gone back to Kyrgyzstan, just to make me remember how to spell it. A holiday is involved. He's promised photos of 'something other than statues of Lenin'. We're looking forward to this. In the meantime, he's left us a scintillating review of A Star Is Born.
- Natural history is our theme, as we examine the rare Potato Hamster, quiz you on your camouflage skills, and bring you a lecture by that incomparable wildlife expert, Suzie Q. She wants to tell you about the gallwasp. Before you yawn, please recall that before he turned his focus on humans, Dr Alfred Kinsey studied the gallwasp extensively. It's a more exciting subject than you think. To complete our nature study, there's a video of autumn splendour called 'Report from a Small Planet'.
 - In addition to messing about with thermometers, Superfrenchie has played Suzie Q with the crossing signs. Take a gander at the surprising variety available in Madrid. With all that going on, we wonder that the pedestrians get anywhere.
- We have quizzes. We have thoughty Stuff. We dug up an old text. We drew some cartoons that should, perhaps, be buried. There is more useless advice. Caveat lector.
- Milla's found centaurs. Paigetheoracle found some signs. bobstafford found a sunset, and photographed it to within an inch of its life.
So there you have it. Settle back, enjoy, and don't be too critical. Expand your horizons. Objects in mirror may be stranger than you suppose. Read, comment, start arguments. Remember to send more photos, articles, and fictional explorations of whatever it is you think about.

Remember: in spite of Superfrenchie's bad example, do not take pictures while standing on zebra crossings. And have a good week!
Robbie Stamp Sighting: Robbie (Researcher 5) reported in from midair Friday on his way to Qatar. His picture said it all. Sometimes we worry.
Quote of the Week: Well, evolution is a very funny thing, it can make almost anything into almost anything else.
Dmitri Gheorgheni