A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017
FWR Started conversation Nov 30, 2017
The End.
So here we are, a month of rhyme
Didn't think I'd have the time!
Did you notice? don't wish to boast
I've gone a month without one ghost!
No future tales of blood and war
(That's what nanowrimo's for)
It's been a change, its been quite fun
To write a verse for every one.
To those who've read November's stuff
I'm sure, like me, you've had enough!
Thirty days of verse and song
(Probably twenty nine too long?)
Thanks for dropping by my friend
That's it, last one, finished, the end!
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 30, 2017
It has indeed , what with FWR's poems, ITIWBS's genetically modified organisms, and paulh's murderous oat bran cream puffs!
Oh, and the photos.
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 30, 2017
Well done on completing the set - I've certainly enjoyed your poems, and the variety of other contributions has been superb
FWR Posted Nov 30, 2017
Thanks for the kind words folks!
Looking forwards to having time now to sit back and check out all the other stuff I can't access at night!
Brackets no internet at work policy sucks close brackets
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