A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017


Post 1




I have a brain that likes to dwell
On weird stuff, remembered well.

All kinds of things I think about
With certainty, there is no doubt.

Details, minute, never fails
When am telling all my tales.

So why do I become so lame
When Im faced with someone's name?

I've tried and tried with little luck
My mind destroys it's contacts book.

I worked with her, knew her well,
Should know her name, but do I hell!

That guy for years a good workmate
His name, it's gone, oh well, too late!

I tend to call all people mate or luv,
Or hun, or bud, or even bruv?

So if you see me on the street
If by chance we were to meet.

Don't take offence, please don't be hurt
(Just wear a name badge on your shirt!)


Post 2


smiley - laugh


Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

My sympathies! smiley - cheerup I'm face blind - brain can't memorise faces - so I know how you feel. It's not the name - it's just that I probably won't recognise the person in an unfamiliar setting.

I always envied people who said, 'I never forget a face,' but didn't understand how that worked. On the other hand, I could always tell that Star Trek was using more than one cat for Spot...smiley - winkeye


Post 4


Weird isn't it!


Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Yeah, life's a puzzle. smiley - rofl


Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

I can relate to this a bit as well - I often talk about something someone said sometime - I can rememmber the details of what was said, but not who it was that said it...

I'm not too bad with faces, but I think I'm known more for my wheelchair - quite a few people I don't recognise greet me by name when I'm out and about, but I am in the habit of saying hello but not saying people's names even when I genuinely know who they are, so that helps! smiley - laugh

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