A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017
FWR Started conversation Nov 27, 2017
Curry for breakfast.
My body clock's all out of whack
The dreaded week of nights is back!
Getting home at six am
Kids to school, slurp tea and then
Try to sleep, at least it's dark
Take the dog around the park?
Give up by twelve, nap time after
Woken up by children's laughter
Slept on the sofa, while they're in school
Wake up in a pool of drool!
Dad why don't you go to bed?
Time for tea, to get you fed.
Wife comes home, in a hurry
No time to cook, I've bought a curry!
Sitting in the dining room,
Family laughing at my gloom.
I'll wrap mine up, eat it after.
Still the joking and the laughter.
The first shifts in, mess you up the most
Madras for brekkie? Nah pass the toast!
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