A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017
FWR Started conversation Nov 26, 2017
Cold wind blows.
My ride today was such a test,
Planning run to Budapest.
Rode up north to meet my friends
Winter's here as Autumn ends.
Rode back home, the cold it lingers
Can't feel my knees, can't move my fingers!
That dreaded time of year is here.
The time to find my winter gear.
Put away since way last Spring
Finally dug out everything.
Found my scarf! (under the bed)
Shemagh getting bare of thread.
Up in the loft my winter coat
Leather smelling slightly goat!
(Note to self - don't forget,
Don't put it up there if it's wet!)
Wardrobe top for winter gloves
Full of dust the poor old loves.
Buried in the cloakroom (hall)
Winter boots, I've found it all!
Thermal gloves and thermal vest
Thermal long johns to the test.
Head to foot in thermal wear
Bake to death when I get there.
I ride all year, it's what I like,
But bloody cold now on the bike!
Dreams of next year's Hungary run,
Three thousand miles of summer sun.
But Winter's coming, cold wind blows,
Yup, glad I've found those thermal clothes.
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 26, 2017
Great poem - I can just imagine you searching round for where you stashed the items!
The weather this weekend
is quite a contrast to what Hungary in the summer will be like
so I'm not surprised you're looking forward to that!
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