A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017
FWR Started conversation Nov 25, 2017
Cakes again!
Bake sale.
Charity fayre.
Fills the air.
Bake off
(School again)
Chocolate dust
Is such a pain.
Girlie tea
Kitchen in
A baking spree.
Cupcake bouquets
Gravity cakes
Trays and trays
Of fudgey bakes
(Even black!)
When will
I get my
kitchen back?
Baking seems
To run my life.
Need a cake?
DON'T ring
My wife!
Y is for Yesteryear
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 25, 2017
When Cactuscafe said ‘Time is a strange event’, it set me thinking. I see time more like a river, nibbling away the present and carrying pieces into memory. Among those memories are pleasant times and difficult ones, although the way we remember events depends on our point of view and our state of mind. Ask two members of the same family to remember an event, and you will get conflicting accounts. So what events come to my mind as I think back? Two of the key events in my childhood memories are moves, and here is a poem about them.
My earliest memory is moving home –
a new laid house deposited in mud.
We huddled in plastic macs, drank tea
from thermoses – trippers on a wet weekend.
Our rooms impersonal, our belongings slung
on a careless lorry somewhere on the road.
Next move, we travelled southward
in snow. Found a house made gloomy
by blue windows, bleary paper,
garage ramshackle as storm damage.
We walked an unfamiliar route to town
found it over long. My brothers
stayed behind to face uncertain
future in furnished rooms.
Y is for Yesteryear
FWR Posted Nov 25, 2017
Gravity cakes look like they're defying gravity, very clever culinary majik
Y is for Yesteryear
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 25, 2017
I think your poetry is great FWR!
I wouldn't have risked doing a poem a day, and yours rhyme, and many of them are funny.
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