A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017


Post 1



Green fingered...not.

Gardening's no fun
at all
Weeds too many,
grass too tall.

Plants and flowers
not my thing
Can't wait for what
the builders bring!

What's the use
of a great big lawn
Which only makes me
feel forlorn?

I love outside
Love fresh air.
Just can't cope
With all that care.

Every now and then
I try.
Then watch my hard work
Slowly die.

The kids are grown
so what the heck.
Goodbye garden
Hello deck!

Lawns going too
Just wood and slate
With barbecue
Just can't wait!

Bye bye mower
Bye bye grass
Just space to sit
and have a glass.


Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - oksmiley - cheers That sounds great, that you're getting an 'outdoor room' that does what you want it to do rather than giving you chores. Do you do much barbecuing already?


Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork This reminds me of Prof Animal Chaos, who says he wants a lawn made of astroturf, and weeds with a blow torch.


Post 4


Personally, I'd rather have gardening than housework smiley - groan


Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You've got the right idea, MVP. smiley - hug It's way more fun to mess about with plants than to do dishes.

The more nature there is outside my house, the happier I am -
unless it eats up the greenery. Unfortunately, we have seen Bambi in our backyard again - they must have become accustomed to the new lighting from the parking lot on the other side of our back wall. Or they're just desperate to get away from the hunters, as it's deer season again. smiley - reindeer


Post 6


We don't get Bambi, but we have had rats smiley - yikes. I think they like places they can hide away -including under decking.


Post 7


Ooh the cats will love playing fetch the rats! We are lucky to have nothing but fields behind us so lack of nature won't be a problem, just somewhere easier to manage to view it from!


Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Way to go - and cats will love you for providing rodentia...ours got so mad at us for moving them to a fairly new apartment with no mice. smiley - mousesmiley - esuom

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