A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017
FWR Started conversation Nov 23, 2017
Unhappy dog.
Come on bud, time for a walk.
The week before we'd had that talk.
Doggy hormones, can't have that,
Humping legs, the chairs, the cat!
A sneaky walk, but no treats yet.
He's not been fed to please the vet.
Lots of fuss and pets and strokes
Nurses give him friendly pokes.
Left him wagging tail like mad.
Poor old Ope, I felt so bad.
A few hours later, groggy groan,
Ope wakes up, complete with cone.
Sulks a while, won't come to calls
Don't blame him though, he's lost his.....poor Opie!
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