A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017


Post 1



Disappointing egg.

Bacon crisp and smelling sweet
Nice thick bread for me to eat.
Brown sauce (of course) is nicely spread
Just egg is missing on the bread.

The last egg, actually, in the box
Take out with care in case it drops.
My butty's waiting for the yolk
A tap, a crack, just white, no joke!

My sandwich spoilt, unhappy fellow
What's an egg without the yellow?
They do exist - before you start!
They're called wind eggs, or dwarf, or fart!


Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - laugh Great poem!

I've encountered a few double-yolkers in my time, but thankfully never a wind egg - that would be a disappointment indeed! smiley - yikes


Post 3


smiley - laugh

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