A Conversation for FWR NaJoPoMo 2017


Post 1



Too cool for school. (The dumbass student song)

His baseball cap on backwards
Wears Ray-bans in the rain.
He's trying to look all outlaw
But he's really just a pain.

He's arrogant and surly,
A million miles from cool
The manners of an old goat
This kid acts like a fool.

We've all been young and foolish,
I'm sure you will agree -
But there's something 'bout this student
And his Bachelor's Degree.

He's spent four years at uni
Cocooned in red brick life
Thinks his smart-arse little answers
Are sharper than a knife.

Looks down on working people
No experience he's had
Of working for his living -
Gets paid by mum and dad.

But there's a time you need good manners
A right time and a place.
I swear, if that fool grunts at me (just one more time),
I'll slap his dumbass face!


Post 2


smiley - laugh
He'll change his tune when it's time to apply for jobs!


Post 3

You can call me TC

Very clever and enjoyable. smiley - applause again. Love your use of metre and unusual rhymes.

Also probably quite true for lots of kids. But I was wondering if you didn't have maybe something nice to say about the yoof of today.


Post 4


There may be a few nice ones coming up... These are just a way of keeping me sane whilst dealing with the minority of really really annoying people. Not just youif!


Post 5


I think the theme to these rants maybe manners. The lack of manners infuriates me. A simple thank you, or even hello, sets the tone. No amount of grunting cool can make up for lack of decent manners. I'm sorry if it appears I'm targeting young folk, some are delightful humans, others, well, they deserve bad poetry!


Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh

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