A Conversation for Old Photo

Lured by the pic

Post 1


I clicked on this photo, before I knew it was attached to my story. smiley - rofl. Lured by your photos, once again, Mr Ed. It is a very alluring photo.

Lured by the pic

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Heh-heh. We thank the Library of Congress for the raw materials. smiley - winkeye

Lured by the pic

Post 3


Pretty dog... Was it abducted? Can you get foil hats for dogs? Thanks for sharing smiley - cheers

Lured by the pic

Post 4


heheh. Foil hats with two slits for the doggie ears. awww. That's really sweet. (goes all girlie)

Lured by the pic

Post 5

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Gosh, maybe you'll need to make one for Opie, FWR. If he finds out what your doing with his picture in the Greys story he'll need a doggie shrink.

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