A Conversation for The h2g2 Post 10.07.17

Unknown Plant on The h2g2 Post front page

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

I am not sure if this is the right place to answer the editor's query but it looks like a Stag's horn sumach bush or tree - Rhus typhina. It is native to NE North America and now is found in NE and Mid Western of the USA, South Eastern Canada and the Appalachian Mountains. I have seen the Stag's horn sumach tree in gardens in Thurrock in Essex.

Unknown Plant on The h2g2 Post front page

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Really? smiley - bigeyes You have them in Essex? smiley - cool

Thanks for the info!

Since we're in the northernmost part of the Appalachians, this fits. smiley - smiley

Unknown Plant on The h2g2 Post front page

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Thanks Dimitri, you're welcome. I first saw them about 4 years ago in people's gardens and growing wild on grass verges; being curious I had to find out what these trees/bushes were and it took me at least 3 months before I found out searching online. It was only when I was out walking to the bus stop, I saw my change to take a photo of the tree, so I used my mobile phone camera.

Unknown Plant on The h2g2 Post front page

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Way to go! smiley - biggrin

Unknown Plant on The h2g2 Post front page

Post 5


Way to go indeed! I've seen it in Surrey and a bit too close-up for comfort.

Yes it's a Staghorn Sumach (Rhus Typhina). ID courtesy of Mrs D, who reminded me of just what a ******* plant it is. When it gets established its root system spreads like wildfire. Some years ago our neighbour planted one and a couple of years later shoots were coming up five yards away in the side of our lawn. In the end I had to dig the roots out back to the boundary to get rid of it and then relay part of the lawn. Meanwhile it was taking over his garden and eventually he had to dig all the rest out on his side.

It's what you might call 'vigorous'. Good luck with it.

Deek smiley - smiley

Unknown Plant on The h2g2 Post front page

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hey, thanks for the warning. We'll keep an eye on it, and let the neighbours know.

Meanwhile, the squirrels are bent on turning our yard into a walnut grove. Seedlings are sprouting everywhere.

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