A Conversation for The Devil's Boots Don't Creak
On a serious note.
FWR Started conversation Mar 26, 2017
This was obviously written as a bit of a tongue in cheek reminiscence, the trouble I found myself in during training still brings a smile, but after this weeks events in London, the serious side of anyone's commitment to a life in uniform comes home to roost...
Thirty years ago I joined a group of people
who ran towards danger,
faced and challenged violence
and protected the public.
Thirty years on I wish all those
who still run towards danger,
still face and challenge violence
and still protect us all:
Have a safe shift and thank you.
On a serious note.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Mar 30, 2017
Great tale, and I agree with your note.
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On a serious note.
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