Whither Civilisation? As the late, great Franz Werfel said so many years ago, the situation is hopeless, but not serious. So let the music play. Tomorrow, of course, it should be love songs, for tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Enjoy the season, and don't eat too much chocolate. To get you ready, we have a Post Quiz. And if you click that picture of the woodchuck, you'll get some Valentine's poetry for lagniappe. The woodchuck is up there because we have treed him. We are disgusted at the furry menace for predicting six more weeks of this horrible winter. Aren't things bad enough without more snow? Oh, well, snuggle indoors with a significant other, furry friend (not the woodchuck), or warm beverage and interesting movie.
Speaking of interesting movies, Awix has one for you. It's timely, and involves people who not only don't stare at goats, they refuse to look truth in the eye. Know anybody like that? If you don't, what are you doing on the internet? Anyway, you'll appreciate Awix's words on the subject. We did.
How can we characterise this week's issue? Well, we're either dancing on the edge of the abyss, or just being as eclectic and erudite as always. Take your pick. Here are some highlights:
- Willem shows us a monkey.
- We plead for peace.
- Nigel and the aliens plan for the apocalypse.
- We invite writers to practice their Twitter skills.
- SashaQ has a nice chat with Cleverbot. (Sasha is better than I am.)
- Freewayriding takes his tale where no saga has gone before.
- Icy North challenges your little grey cells with a new themed crossword.
- Another Isle of Wight literary great puts in an appearance, with a poem about sheep. It will make you cry, possibly snigger, and perhaps change your diet.
Now, if you can figure out what this week's theme is, you're welcome to explain it to the Editor. Me, I'll just say that it's all enjoyable, and if you read it, you'll be both amused and confused.
So without further ado, here they are: the Post Contributors at their most befuddling. Read, comment, and send me more Stuff! Oh, and have a good week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni