Le regard, où chacun à son goût Have you ever been out on the road, and got hungry? Of course you have. And have you ever spent the next 100 miles, or equivalent number of kilometres, salivating over the prospect of a local delicacy in the region where you're travelling, only to find at the end of your journey that the highway demons have struck again, and there's nothing to be had but fast food? Blah. (At this point, I recall Stuckey's signs.) Friends, it could be worse: you could be in France. Be sure to read the exciting, but heartwrenching, conclusion to Freewayriding's biker saga. We're grateful he shared his road trip with us.
Are you going on holiday? Be sure to remember your mobile has a camera. The Post needs you to help us keep up with the outré world out there. Galaxy Babe is out on the road right now (and has promised pics!), but before she left, she breezed by the Post Office and left us an update on all things space-related for the coming month. Of particular interest is the fact that Major Tim has scored another first up on the ISS. Go, Brits!
Bluebottle complained last week that I accused him of 'ranting'. Pshaw, said I, it's a great h2g2 tradition, ranting. I do some this week. Let the quibbling...er, discussion continue. (By the way, we've now done it twice, so by h2g2 rules, it's a 'tradition'. So send more rants.) I also have the craft instructions I promised the Core Team. Yes, h2g2ers, when not solving international crises on the interwebs and jetsetting around the planet on behalf of Zarniwoop, your h2g2 Core Team is worried about the rings on the coffee table. You should be, too. But fear not: my handy instructions will help you solve the problem, impress your friends with your DIY skills, and make you feel absurdly proud of yourself. We're the cleverest people in the galaxy, and it's high time we had the artefacts to prove it. (Won't that look good in the Betelgeuse Folklore Museum? What do you mean, it will be labelled 'cult object'?)
Willem has amazing things to show and tell about this week. First off, there's a fascinating lemur. Lemurs are our better-looking cousins. And then there's that tall tree: really, really tall. Mindbogglingly tall. How tall, you ask? Read the article and get dizzy from the photos. Oh, and the super-helpful explanatory sketch. Even an elephant looks tiny compared to this really amazing tree.
Awix looks at a Japanese film that seems mysteriously familiar. A baby chicken looks out the window. Some people you've never heard of take an old-time look at Rochester, New York. (And probably wish they hadn't.) We look at some places you might, or might not, want on your travel plans list, while Nigel looks at an old newspaper. The news may not have been any better back then, but at least it was different. And whether McKinley, er, trumps the current candidates...well, we leave that to your judgement.
Anyway, lots to enjoy. Nobody around here gets to say 'summer slump', because we aren't having one. So dive in, read, comment, and send me more Stuff I can brag about.
Have a great week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni