A Conversation for Oddity of the Week: Rocket Park
Do we really want to have an argument?
Bluebottle Started conversation Aug 4, 2014
How about a mature discussion instead, eh?
Let us calmly examine what evidence Huntsville has to support its claim to being the watercress capital of the world, and what Alresford has in its favour, and then make a mature decision.
Personally at the moment I have to say that as Alresford has a Watercress festival and, even more importantly, a steam railway named after Watercress, that is quite strong evidence in Alresford's favour.
What does Huntsville have? I assume it isn't called the 'US Space, Rockets and Watercress Center'...? (Catchy name, though).
Do we really want to have an argument?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Aug 4, 2014
That WOULD be a catchy name.
I think they've sort of downplayed the watercress in favour of the rockets these days. Lord knows why, though.
Do we really want to have an argument?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Aug 4, 2014
That's right at least watercress can't be associated with Weapons of Mass Destruction, at least as long as they don't let Monsanto modify its genes.
Do we really want to have an argument?
Bluebottle Posted Aug 5, 2014
Forget the space sex lizards, has anyone yet sent watercress into space?
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Do we really want to have an argument?
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