A Conversation for The Phyto-Philes: Little Turkey
Wow, lovely flower Willem.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Apr 22, 2014
It is truly gorgeous! I like irises, if I had a yard I'd be sure to plant some. The are stately and dignified and come in a rainbow of colours here. My favourites are the deep blue violet ones. This Little Turkey is very pretty, too. They certainly would brighten a garden if they didn't require that much water.
Wow, lovely flower Willem.
Willem Posted Apr 23, 2014
Hi again Elektra, glad you liked the flower! I like irises in general. I have a few growing here in my garden (a different species, a dietes) but it doesn't flower very often.
Wow, lovely flower Willem.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Apr 23, 2014
They don't flower annually then? Or they require a certain amount of moisture before they flower? How does that work?
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Wow, lovely flower Willem.
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