Dancing in the Rain Have you been singing in the rain? We have changeable weather here on the US East Coast. Earlier this week, it was balmy. Yesterday, it rained buckets. Today, the sun is out, but we've got the heat on. Ah, well. Weather: can't live with it, can't move to another planet. (Although Nigel's working on it.)
Our Create writers have been working the weather theme, as well. We've got something poetic for you this week, courtesy of Herenna, and Bel has recorded more weather-related news in the Frankfurt area. All she had to do was turn the camera around. Okay, we stop complaining.
There's other great Stuff in this week's issue. Willem's back with a cute jackal –, yes, it's cute – and another one of those beautiful plants with a weird name. Wonders never cease in Willem's natural world.
Freewayriding got inspired by a dream. You'll really want to read this story. Our fiction writers keep us thinking. So do Awix, benjaminpmoore, Smudger, and Bluebottle, all of whom are back with news and views of interest to h2g2ers. Read, comment, and get ideas for your next project.
We hope everyone found all the Easter eggs in the bushes. Otherwise, there may be some startled ground birds. If anything really weird shows up in the next edition of Colours of Wildlife, we'll know who to blame.
Have a good week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni