The h2g2 Post 07.10.13

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 7th October 2013

What's Your Style?

Christie MacDonald in a hat with birds on.
It's here – October. Create invites us to answer the question, What's your style? You know what you have to do: so, do it! Get out the cameras. Write something up. Do a bit of research. Or do like we do, and get snarky.

This week's Post starts you off on the fashion theme with a quiz and oddity. Find out what the Edited Guide has to say about clothing styles and accessory fashions. Our contributors are stylish, too. Check out that duck cell. And wildlife is always in fashion. Remember last week's lilies? They neither toil nor spin, you know.

While we're issuing challenges, the Post has a new one. Do you think mythology is an old, dusty subject? Think again. Wherever you are on this planet of ours, there are myths, legends, and unsung heroes somewhere in your neighbourhood. We want you to find them for us. The instructions are below, along with a stray example. (Very stray.)

The Usual Suspects are back, with fun, frolic, and thoughtfulness. The Prof will make you laugh, Rod will make you green with envy, and Beatrice will make you wish you'd been there.

Smudger will make you cry.We guarantee this, because we've got tears in our eyes. Please read, and then drop by. Community is…well, you people know what community is. You embody it, every day, here on the internet. And that goes for everybody else out there who's dealing with caring situations: our benjaminpmoore, who lets us in on his doings, and Galaxy Babe, our hard-working Guide Editor…and others who, perhaps, would prefer not to be mentioned publicly. You know who you are, and you know we're holding good thoughts.

So, wherever the October winds are taking you, we hope they're not too blustery. We hope you can find time to share a giggle with us, and maybe drop a tear. That's our style.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Speckled padloper.
  • .

  • Genetically ducky.



  • Bea admires the Grand Canyon, stretching as far as the eye can see
  • First cuts.


  • Paris fashion.
  • .

  • Marie Dressler in a lampshade hat in 1909.

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