Oddity of the Week - The Latest from Paris

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October is Fashion Month at Create. I threatened them with satire and ribaldry. I said I didn't want to think about clothes. They said I was an old fuddy-duddy. Okay, I said. I'll behave. Here we have some ladies' fashion. From Paris, even. What more could you ask for?

The Latest from Paris

The latest Paris fashion from 1911.

There she is: Paris' top model, from 1911. Tyra Banks, eat your heart out. Oh, the elegance. Oh, the chic of it all. We swoon.

Okay, we'll let the Library of Congress explain:

Paris fashion, May 1911: fur and plumed hat.

Wait a minute! That's it? That's IT? Is that any way to write fashion copy? You need the help of that J Peterman guy, at the very least:

She's mysterious. She's alluring. Above all, she is a force to be reckoned with. The bold plumage adds stature to this imposing costume. No bird found in nature would dare to challenge her – not even the formidable cassowary.

The fur adds a wild touch to the ensemble. Men, if you see this cougar coming, run for the hills! She's loaded for bear.

Or similar.

I'll shut up now. Before I get arrested by the Fashion Police.

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

07.10.13 Front Page

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