A Conversation for James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Peer Review: A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 1


Entry: James Bond: The Quick Film Guide - A87803724
Author: Bluebottle - U43530

A Flea Market Rescue:
Original Entry: James Bond: A Quick Film Guide - A4149146
Original Author: toosmartforbond2 - U1586355

With over 20 blockbuster films over 50 years, the James Bond film series is a worldwide phenomenon.

Naturally, h2g2 has many articles on James Bond, which can be found here: C990
There is a series of articles about the storys behind the James Bond films in the Edited Guide (starting at A817797)

This article offers a different approach to those seen before. It is not an attempt to tell the story of the making of the Bond films, but is a simple guide to the films, who was in them, who directed them, what each film was about and who sang the theme tune.

Inevitably there is a degree of overlap with already existing articles, but this article seeks to look at the films in a different way with a different approach, as a reference work rather than review.


A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 2

Danny B

I like it! As you say, there is overlap with the existing entries, but I don't see any reason why there's not room for this as well.

Nice work smiley - applause

A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 3

SashaQ - happysad

I like it too! smiley - applause Well found nuggets of information - I especially like C.!

I would have quite liked to see the information about who played Bond in the tables or description in each film section - for some, eg spoof Casino Royale, I didn't find out that David Niven was the original Bond until right at the end.

On a similar note, in the Dalton section, his first name is not mentioned and Timothy only appears in the table at the end.

I didn't understand what was meant by "The first two Craig films are part of the same story"

The tables in each film section look excellent, even in Pliny, but unfortunately the one at the bottom including M, Q, etc is extremely difficult to read in Pliny. smiley - erm

smiley - ok

A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 4


Thanks for reading through – I've added who played Bond in each section, even including Timothy's first name. I've also added a bit more to the C section*.

I've also rephrased 'The first two Craig films are part of the same story' to ' This film begins exactly where the previous film ended, forming the second part of the same story'.

With the final table, I've changed the border style so hopefully it works better in Pliny. Looks better to me now.


*(Not to be confused with cæsarians)

A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 5


'This film begins exactly where the previous film ended, forming the second part of the same story'

Well, it's not *exactly* where Casino Royale ends, cus then you'd still have Bond standing over Mr White, then shoving him in the boot of the car, and then starting to drive off. Whereas what we get is Bond in the car being chased through the mountains by other people in cars, with, we later learn, Mr White in the boot. And I've not looked closely enough to see if Bond is wearing the same clothes. There are limits.

So, it's not exactly where Casino Royale ends, but I think it is a believable next scene.


A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 6


Hello Geggs - I'm impressed that we now have 2 people (after Danny B) who were in both the original entry's Peer Review thread back in 2005 and are still around to comment todaysmiley - wow. (The 'Allies' section was Geggs' idea back in June 2005). Your last comment in the original thread was:
'I'm torn about this entry. On the one hand, it does exactly what it says it does, and it's unlikely to get any better. But on the other hand, I'm still not sure that there's any point or need for the entry.'

So has this new version helped you change your mind?

You'll be pleased to know that I've now deleted the word 'exactly'.


A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 7


Oh yes, the Allies section was my idea (though I had to check back through the old PR, cus I honestly couldn't remember), and what a brilliant idea it was.

I think the new version is a definite improvement, so it was possible for it to get better, helped by the tables, and the occasional interesting titbit about the production.

There's still a slight nagging feeling that it is perhaps more wiki-ish than h2g2-like, but it's now more our sort of thing than it was before.


A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 8


>>Diamonds are Forever moves Bond in a comedy direction, complete with bizarre sequences involving slow-moving astronauts, moon buggies and a climax Blofeld being waved around an oil rig while used as a demolition ball.

There seems to be a bit of a typo in there somewhere. And I fear what 'a climax Blofeld' might entail.


A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 9


I'm shocked! You're a man of the world, the father of 2, yet you don't know what a Blofeld climax is.... smiley - winkeye (Perhaps that's why the film has recently been re-rated on DVD from a PG to a 12...) Seriously, I've reworded that bit smiley - smiley

Although I agree that we wouldn't want too many h2g2 articles in this sort of style (I think it is important to maintain a balance, I see no objection to occasional one-offs, anything in moderation), h2g2 does have edited entries which are more list-based than this one and are valid contributions to the guide.


A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 10


Well, I am a father of two, but I would hesitate to say that I am a man of the world. A climax Blofeld is something I would not dare to speculate on.


A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 11

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

A Blofeld climax? The words 'My dear old thing' immediately spring into my head.

A87803724 - James Bond: The Quick Film Guide

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

As a reference entry this works for mesmiley - ok

smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 13

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 14


smiley - applauseWell done toosmartforbond2!


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 15

Danny B

smiley - laugh

And well done Bluebottle smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

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