h2g2 London mini-meet, July 2013

3 Conversations

(Note: Same as the proposed Leeds mini-meet, this is not certain yet, but I figured it's better to have a page first, and see what comes of it. I am rather terrible at organising things, but really really hope this will take off.)


London. Maybe at the geek con at Earl's Court? Or we could just meet by the TARDIS outside and go somewhere else? Or anywhere, really. Within reason.


July 6 (Saturday).

But still, if you have a better idea, let me know. The date range is between July 5 and 13 (well, the 13 isn't really relevant, I fly out in the morning), and so far, the only evening actually rigidly taken is July 12, when I will be seeing an Amanda Palmer show - anything else can be discussed.


Because I'll be in London, for the first time since a family trip when I was 12, and it seems like a shame not to meet any hootooers when I'm already in the neighbourhood.


Do you want to come? That's what the 'Discuss this entry' section is for - write to add yourself, and to vote for a time and place.

(Also, if you wanna join me for the Amanda Palmer show, that could be neat too.)

London, here I come!

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