A Conversation for Kelli's Diets: Today I have been mostly eating...

Hi Kelli

Post 1

Dinnerlady [The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom]William Blake. Top lad:)

I feel like I know you, sod it, practically am your twin sister.
Just wanted to give you an enormous virtual hug for being a) so honest about all this weight bollocks b) so witty with it and c) being the kind of person I know I'd like as a friend.

That's it really. I'm sure I'll come across you on my musings through H2G2, but it's good to make your acquaintance.
aka dinnerlady

Hi Kelli

Post 2

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Nice to meet you Mel, I'd like to return your virtual smiley - hug and offer some virtual smiley - cheesecake to go with it (no calories see?). Just been to your space and you're right, we do seem to have a fair bit in common. It is good to be getting paid for talking isn't it?smiley - biggrin

h2g2 has been tremendously helpful in the battle to see my feet again - there are so many friendly people here who have encouraged/inspired/comiserated as time has gone on. I know what you mean about body fascism and I might once have agreed that there is nothing wrong with being lardy but for a health/energy/day-to-day life perspective I do feel 500% better now I'm carrying 5 stone less fat around all the time. The other half is happy, some other stuff has improved too since there is less me in the way smiley - loveblush. He has said he will protest if my boobs get too much smaller though...
smiley - diva

smiley - cheers
smiley - puffk

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