A Conversation for Kelli's Diets: Today I have been mostly eating...

Keep going over Xmas

Post 1

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

Hi Kelli,

I just wanted to drop you a line before the silly season takes hold, and say you are doing great, just keep up the good work over the Christmas party season, and you will feel so empowered!

Try facing the season with a specific goal in mind, for example:
1. I intend to keep losing weight, so I will keep up my diet and exercise
2. I want to stay the same, so I will allow myself a couple of "supervised" indulgences
3. I am happy to put on a couple of pounds, so I will simply forget my routine for the next few weeks

But whatever you decide, don't beat yourself up over it after Christmas. smiley - winkeye

If you chose number 1, which is what I am shooting for (after all, I've had lots of boozy, foodie Christmases before this one) visualise yourself saying no to a second helping, or another glass of wine. Stay reasonable, but still plan to enjoy yourself. And make the effort to keep exercising, as this will reduce the possibility of feeling bad, therefore resorting to eating, etc, to make yourself feel better. Also, use New Year's Eve as an inspiration - I have a special outfit I want to wear that night, so I feel inspired to stick to the straight and narrow!

Above all else, enjoy the company, socialise and have lots of fun!

smiley - santa

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