A Conversation for h2g2 French Meet in 2013
voting thread for June 22nd - 23rd
You can call me TC Posted Dec 22, 2012
As of today (22 December 2012) I can do all of the suggested June dates.
That is: 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 or 29-30 June. The holiday weekends are all really early next year, finishing with Corpus Christi on 30 May. (It normally falls about mid-June)
voting thread for June 22nd - 23rd
Beatrice Posted Jan 10, 2013
This could be the trickiest weekend for me - as of now I have a work comittment on the Friday morning, which might make travelling before the Saturday difficult, and so limits options.
it's not a "definitely no way!" thing, though.
voting thread for June 22nd - 23rd
Superfrenchie Posted Jan 17, 2013
That makes three votes, so we now have a tie : 8/9, 15/16, 22/23.
Which will it be?
... Or would a maxi-Meet over the three weekends be over the top?
voting thread for June 22nd - 23rd
KB Posted Jan 17, 2013
Bea's wasn't a vote for this date, I think she was saying this was the hardest one for her...
voting thread for June 22nd - 23rd
Beatrice Posted Jan 17, 2013
Yes, just to calrify, mine was a NO-vote. Sorry for any confusion!
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voting thread for June 22nd - 23rd
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