A Conversation for h2g2 French Meet in 2013

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 21

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I reckon I should vote for one, so to break the tie, I'll opt for this date...

smiley - ok


smiley - musicalnote

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 22


If it means Sho can come too, I'm happy to change my vote to another date...I think she's the only one so far who's given dates she definitely can't come...

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 23


Well, Sho said she couldn't come to this one, and Bea said 22nd/23rd might be hard for her.

They're the only 2 with a definite NO date, I think, so shall we try and make them both happy?

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 24

Sho - employed again!

yes pls - make us happy
I'll definitely be revising for my exam on this date. smiley - book

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 25


Yes, let's make everyone happy! smiley - zen

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 26

You can call me TC

Does that mean that your exams will be over on the 15/16th then, Sho?

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 27

Sho - employed again!

it's in the week before that weekend, IYSWIM

voting thread for June 8th - 9th

Post 28


So you can make 15-16?

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