A Conversation for Kayaking for Beginners: At the Last Chance Saloon
Sorry about the weather there, Deke.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Dec 9, 2012
This seems to have been a bad year to pick for this particular sport Deke. But I admire your persistance. Unfortunately if the boffins are right there will be more of the same.
Sorry about the weather there, Deke.
Deek Posted Dec 9, 2012
Thanks for the comments.
Well at the moment we're on a bit of a roll. Out three times this week, once in light rain. Otherwise temperatures cold but bearable. Last week the extended weather forcast was for a major change in the weather with a heavyweight drop in temperatures, big time. That forcast seems to have now disappeared off the radar.
Just taking it one day at a time
Sorry about the weather there, Deke.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Dec 9, 2012
Great, I hope you get enough in to prepare for the event.
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Sorry about the weather there, Deke.
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