A Conversation for The Holy Graveyard

Mr. L

Post 1


I have a proposition for you. There is an organization in the making, of great political intriuge and mystery. It is going to be the official underworld of h2g2, run by the twelve most mysterious and deadly people on h2g2. Everything will be able to be bought there, from guns to human lives.

Would you be interested in a position as one of the twelve?

Mr. L

Post 2

Mr. Legion

Why not? smiley - ok It sounds like the sort of organisation I'd rather be a part of than up against. Everything from guns to human lives, eh? Nice. 'Cause you know, Tescos are always fresh out of both.

Who else will be in? And will there be titles, or just numbers?

Mr. L

Post 3


Names. Just names. I'll get you the passwords for the door.

Click on the right picture instead. Omega, lambda, alpha, epsilon, psi.

I'll email you the rest.

Mr. L

Post 4

Mr. Legion

You have my address?

[email protected]

Without the nospam, obviously, but I saw that being done elsewhere on H2G2 and thought it was a pretty neat trick.

Mr. L

Post 5


Yes, I already have it.

I'll send you the second password, assuming you've gotten to level one?

Mr. L

Post 6

Mr. Legion

I haven't, actually. The symbols on the keypad all come up as squares, the sort you see when your browser isn't supporting the font. Any suggestions? smiley - erm

Mr. L

Post 7


Imagine the keypad numerically, like this:


First comb: 31752
Second: I'll email you it. This isn't a secure line. Oh, and adventure/quest in the making: A880896
If you know anyone who is interested, let them know. I want to revive h2g2 from its slumber...

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