A Conversation for The h2g2 Post 20.02.12
Blue link to make me think
cactuscafe Started conversation Feb 21, 2012
Just to say, I checked the blue link for Living La Vida Local, in the Editorial, and it reminded me to offer appreciation.
Dear Ed, could you make sure the Create crew see this also?
I meant to say ages ago, before I was waylaid by life circumstances, that I think the Create project, endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography and biscuits (that's funny the biscuits, probably means biscuit recipes and useful things, but I read it as surreal because I have a surreal brain )...
... where was I, oh yes, the Create project I think is amazing, and I love those hand painted watercolour badges, and everything.
So, this is an appreciation, a sort of appreciation-contribution, to show willing. Not sure how much else I can offer right now,as regards contribution, biscuity or not, , but yay! and all the best for the Create projects, and I will follow with interest.
Blue link to make me think
Sol Posted Feb 22, 2012
It is very much appreciated, cactuscafe! Thank you so much - I'm so glad you like it.
Especially the biscuits!
Blue link to make me think
cactuscafe Posted Feb 22, 2012
Ah, splendid! And lovely to hear from you, Solnushka!
And thanks Ed, Mister DG, for handing on the message. It suddenly became reeeeely important to me to communicate the message of acknowledgment and appreciation, so now I'm happy.
OK, have to go think about luminous idea-patterns hovering over my page, and biscuits. hahah . I'm saying that all the time now.
. hmm
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Blue link to make me think
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