A Conversation for Night

Flea Market: A87730040 - Night

Post 1

h2g2 Guide Editors

Entry: Night - A87730040
Author: Pelegrhino - U14994864

Moved from EGWW

A87730040 - Night

Post 2


Good to see interest in this one already: A87782296


A87730040 - Night

Post 3

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

As promised in the EGWW I am going to adopt this entry. I have left a message for Pelegrhino U14994864.
My version can be found at A87782296.

Posted this in the wrong place, it has been a few years but I have rescued beforesmiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers
Fsmiley - dolphinS

A87730040 - Night

Post 4


Ah yes, A2181719 - The Sea. So this will be your second rescue - you know that if you get 5 Flea Market Rescues edited, you get a badge? smiley - winkeye


A87730040 - Night

Post 5

h2g2 Guide Editors

Removed from FM. Rescued version is A87783655

A87730040 - Night

Post 6


smiley - applauseWell done Floridasmiley - dolphinSailor - two more to go!


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