A Conversation for Humour

comments on Humour

Post 1


This entry could be improved in several way.
One would be to talk about classic bits
For example Abbot and Costello - "who's on First"

Then there is types of Humour
Like self depricating humour
or the celebrity roasts.
Of course there are jokes and puns.

And the perpetual battle between those who think there should be no censorship and they can talk and act as obcene as they want,
and those who want profanity filters to protect the innocent from such filth.

It always helps if you can use the h2g2 search engine and find links to related issues like this one I ran across when checking on robin Williams A930160 Great comedy acts. Remember though if this is intended for the Edited Guide they will only allow links to articles that have been through the editing process and been previously approved. This does not mean that you can't use material form the unedited portion of the guide- it just means you can't link to it.
And If you are quoting someone give them credit.

comments on Humour

Post 2


Oh, and here is one of my latest updates on an old Joke
"Ebenezer Scrooge was said to be very fond of Male Deer-
One American said he was always trying to get a Buck ( Of course being British, Ebeneezer would measure those stags in Pounds Sterling)."
-An h2g2 researcher shagbark

comments on Humour

Post 3


And then there is Political humour. Sometimes it takes the form of political speech like that of Will Rogers http://www.willrogers.com/says/will_says.html
Sometimes it takes the form of editorial cartoons.
However ethnic homour can get you in trouble.
A Newspaper in Denmark a few years back did a series lampooning Mohammad- as a result several Danish embassies were trashed and burned by the natives in Islamic Cities.
And I myself got a scolding from a Jewish man for using a joke about Steinburgs and Iceburgs. It seems the Jews have a certain percentage of their number who anything they don't like antisemetic.
Likewise there are those of the LGBT crowd that will call anything making a jest about gay lifestyles as homophobic.
Lastly there are the Blacks- I once knew a man who lost his job for telling the following joke

"Next week is Martin Luther King Day, so I think we will only work Blacks that day, and the rest of the crew can take the day off."
He was the manager of a fast food restaurant, and had forgotten that the district manager was a fiery young Black woman who was easily contacted by a couple of the blacks in the crew.

comments on Humour

Post 4


But lest you think I am only considering American Humor
check out this possible conversation by Winston Churchill

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