A Conversation for Humour

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87717540 - Humour

Post 1


Entry: Humour - A87717540
Author: JinHu - U969535

PLease review my entry on "humour"


A87717540 - Humour

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi JimHu.

This doesn't seem to be about humour. It is, rather, about "how we think of ourselves compared with how others think about us". I'm not sure, as a result, if it is really suitable for the Edited Guide. It's not really factual as it stands.

It might be suitable as an article in The Post, where we can publish humorous, non-factual entries, but I think it would need a bit of work even so. For a start, I don't really understand what it is you are trying to say. You concentrate on numbers, rather than on what you really mean. Numbers confuse everybody, even people like me who are quite good with mathematics. Could you rephrase it in some way so that the meaning was clearer?

A87717540 - Humour

Post 3


See also the comments in the discussion thread http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/classic/F22117207?thread=8287710&latest=1

A87717540 - Humour

Post 4


Another one I think can be sent Back to Entry as the author has smiley - elvised and it doesn't really cover the subject of humour, more people's perceptions.


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