
2 Conversations

Humour is said to be the quality or content of something such as a story, performance, or joke that elicits amusement and laughter, it is a known fact that the measure of one’s humour is a directly inverse value of ones’ or friends/family of ones’ belief; for example, lets say Quagvencular believes that she is humorous enough to entertain 4 fellow beings, on her own she would be correct; the problem then arises after the 4 beings have been amused and then inform their friends/families that Quagvencular is indeed very humorous, now if each being stated this to three other beings the humour ratio becomes only 25%*, and now lets say her 2 friends and 23 fathers also believe this, now poor old Quagvencular is only humorous to 9.75% of the 4 beings which in this particular beings case would equate to say 1 of its 7 elbows and a quarter of one of its 37 buttocks, hardly enough to raise even the merest hint of a titter never mind raise a marginally amused brow.

However, let’s say Quagvencular has a member of her family or friends who is a well connected (by the usual means) promoter, then the humour ratio may be reversed by applying vast currency and very, very big posters with Quagvenculars’ smiling faces splashed all over it and a random name with an arbitrary number of stars next to it, between 3 to 5 is best.

*This occurrence is absolute in many other aspects of the WSOGMM, for example visiting a restaurant, having a superb meal and then telling your 6 closest friends about it only for them to discover that the meal was only 33.3% (recurring) as good as you had stated, (the opposite is of course true if the meal was terrible; tell someone a restaurant was terrible and they will find this to be true, absolutely true in fact, this is related to the speed of bad news which as we know obeys it’s own set of rules)

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