The h2g2 Post 05.12.11
Created | Updated Dec 4, 2011
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A Birthday, Holidays, and General Fooferah
12 years is a long time. I was 25 and h2g2 was even younger. But it already had a burgeoning community and one of those had an idea. His idea was that the community should have a newspaper, a way of letting everyone know what the community was doing. Vegiman was the man with the idea and he found two reprobates to help him, Shazz and me. It took a fair bit of wrangling to get going, but we did it. We persuaded the staff at the Towers to let us have our community newspaper. Once they realised we were serious, it didn’t really take much persuading. They were very keen on the idea and did what they could to help. Thank you, Pastey. Some of those pioneering folk Pastey mentioned are having their praises sung in this issue (check links below). There are lots of things to pique your interest in what follows – be sure to subscribe to the Advent Calendar, so you'll know what everybody's on about. PS Stop-Press Annoyance Number 42: Just in time for the Post's 12th birthday, Google in its infinite wisdom decided to fix it so that we couldn't get into our gmail account. The new, improved, Post gmail account link is below, under 'Email the Post Team'. Just to be sure: Contributors, in future, email us at postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com. Thank you. |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US... (Sing in Chorus) | |
IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE HANUKKAH (And other holiday and fun stuff) | |
WHY LOOK IT UP IN YOUR FUNK AND WAGNALLS? (When you've got h2g2) | |
MONSTERS FROM OUTER AND INNER SPACE (What the cool people are up to) | |
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