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Feature Request: Could external links open in a new tab by default

Post 1

Mrs Zen

Feature Request: Could external links open in a new tab by default

smiley - tongueincheek Ctrl C, Ctrl V target="_blank" across the whole database? smiley - run

Feature Request: Could external links open in a new tab by default

Post 2


Feature Request: Could external links NOT open in new tabs. Could h2g2 learn researchers to press their ctrl or cmd button when they want to open a page in new tab. Or to let their browser do it for them for all links.

smiley - tongueout

Feature Request: Could external links open in a new tab by default

Post 3

Mrs Zen

Not in iThings we can't. But apart from that it's a good point. That's a command I didn't know was there.

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Feature Request: Could external links open in a new tab by default

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