Diamonds in the Rough: Britain

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Diamonds in the Rough

Hitchin' on a twilight train...

This Challenge has already generated enough heat in the form of vituperation – directed not only at the innocent Mr Diamond, but also at me, for daring to suggest this – that I'm almost sorry I came up with it.

I said almost. I never stay repentant for long.

In case you've forgotten, the idea was to be inspired by a lyric of Neil Diamond's. Inspired to write, draw, or compose something, that is. Not to insult the fiction editor.

Next time, I shall suggest Barry Manilow.

Minorvogonpoet has given us a treat –   two1 poems inspired by Neil Diamond. (I believe her words were 'even a Vogon can do better than that.' Yep. That's why I suggested it, to get the juices flowing. Oh, and I suspect the influence of another poet here. But let the reader judge. Let's enjoy the ideas transplanted to another locale.

The United Kingdom


Every time that flag's unfurled
it seems to grow more tattered.
In towns and markets round the world
some people say our flag is spattered
with their brothers' blood. Our bands
of soldiers fight other nations' wars.
Their lives are lost in desert sands
along with freedom's battered cause.
At home, our factories and shops
are boarded, silent; even dark
Satanic mills have closed. Our top
endeavours, London's banks, have marked
their debts in billions. People queue
for jobs, or sit in shopping malls
with nothing, while a favoured few
build houses fortified with walls.
As we watch our flag unfurled
let's stand together hand in hand,
to pledge a better, fairer world
and a place for our beloved land.

Diamonds in the Rough Archive


08.08.11 Front Page

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