A Conversation for Lady Scott's Adoption Center
Khamsin Started conversation May 5, 2004
Lady Scott...
I have come here... to
*coughs* its about Anthea, a girl who lives here... I would like to take her hand in marriage...
its going to be at A2092150 and we would love for love to come
Lady Scott Posted May 5, 2004
Are you sure she really *wants* to marry you?
And if she does, are you prepared to keep her in the manner to which she has become accustomed?
Khamsin Posted May 5, 2004
of course she wants to marry me
what way is she accustomed to?
I am looking into a new house... somewhere in a good end of h2g2
Lady Scott Posted May 5, 2004
I don't know what way she's accustomed to, it's just one of those things you ask when someone asks to marry your kid.
There's always room in this neighborhood for more houses.
Is this the good end of hootoo?
Khamsin Posted May 5, 2004
I think it is... *looks around* no thieves or Assassins, so I would say so yes
so am I going to get the total third degree?
Lady Scott Posted May 5, 2004
*eyes Captain Khamsin carefully*
I suppose you'll be ok.
No assasins or thieves here? I wouldn't be too sure about some of the residents in the neighborhood... some of them seem just a wee bit shady to me.
Khamsin Posted May 5, 2004
*looks at his own clothes*
I hope you don't mean me Lady Scott?
anyways the house will have a security system that even I can't get through
Lady Scott Posted May 5, 2004
Of course if you and A set up housekeeping here, it appears there will be assasins in the neighborhood...
But I was referring to a couple of rather quiet but mysterious neighbors already living here. You know what I mean - they're the kind who move in and no one ever sees them again...
Khamsin Posted May 5, 2004
aren't those vampires?
I have never really had neighbours...
they always seem to die on me... its always after some strange arguement
*laughs and shows a charming smile*
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