A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 61


I would Mr D, but luckily I haven't experienced that.

Until now.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 62

Mrs Zen

There's a difference between the vertical ones and the tilted open and close ones isn't there> I can't remember the technical terms.

MS Word is a pain, and 'tis at it's most obvious when you have to use an apostrophe at the beginning of a word.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 63

Gnomon - time to move on

You can easily turn off "Smart Quotes" in Word.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 64

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Oh yes, Word is a pain. When I want to write something in English it often auto-corrects words because it thinks it's supposed to be German! It always wants to replace its by ist. I don't know how many of those I had to change back already. I think I meanwhile turned that off.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 65

Mrs Zen

I know. I shouldn't have to though, should I?

It's not too much to ask it to recognise 'tis, 'til, 'em, 'igginbottom, and other words with bit missing at the start, is it?

Maybe it is. smiley - smiley


Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 66

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I quite like a bit of autocorrect. Means I get away with my habit of typing 'teh' & 'adn'.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 67

Gnomon - time to move on

I've seen 'cello and even 'phone.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 68

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

>>Does anyone else cringe when single quotes are done `thus' and double quotes are done ''thus''? Or even ``thus''?<<

If you were typesetting something in LaTeX (<./>http://www.latex-project.org/</.&gtsmiley - winkeye, that's exactly what you'd put in the source file...

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 69


I never knew that about Irish, Gnomon - that really perked up my day. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fairy

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 70

Baron Grim

Let's not forget the best use of quotation marks... erroneously used for emphasis and therefore indicating "something other than".


smiley - towel Share and Enjoy

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 71

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Oh yes... I "really" like that website. smiley - biggrin

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 72


I get pretty annoyed when people insist on writing 'fridge instead of refrigerator

And how hard is it to make the effort to write omnibus rather than 'bus?

Bloody ugly quote sign. I blame the French.

(And I've now switched my spell check to Australian English).

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 73


Whoops apostrophe...smiley - laugh

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 74


"Whoops apostrophe": A modern reworking of "Whoops apocalypse", but set in a library. smiley - laugh

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 75

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

smiley - rofl

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 76


smiley - laugh More films should be set in libraries.

smiley - fairy

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 77


"The Cook The Thief His Wife Her Lover" has a great scene in a library.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 78

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

So does Ghostbusters.

I wrote a version of MacBeth that was set in a library for school...

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 79


The scene in ghostbusters is good. The scene in the cook the thief has a naked helen mirran.

Wednesday 7 December, 2011: h2g2 Announcements

Post 80

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Yeah, but doesn't practically everything she's been in have a nude scene? smiley - silly

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