A Conversation for Introducing the Volunteer Teams

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 81

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

No Problem smiley - ok(he said confidently while the little goblin in his head did a smiley - facepalm and shook his head pitifully)

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 82


Hi - I'll do this start of next week - don't want to go to too many external sites on this work laptop.

smiley - cheers


Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 83

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Thanks sprout smiley - smiley

When you sign up for an account with noesis - post back here to remind Jordan to allocate you to the correct forum

smiley - cappuccinosmiley - donut

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 84


Is there a separate Sub forum on Noesis, or is it somewhere within the main EG section? smiley - erm

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 85


Not yet. Do you have something you want to discuss, or just worried you're being left out? smiley - winkeye

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 86


smiley - laugh

Just curious, as I can't access Noesis at work (I'm on nights).

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 87

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I see you've signed up - I'll look forward to seeing your comments, if you have a moment to spare when you can get onto noesis' forum.
We're in the process of planning for the future so all thoughts and observations are essential.

Thanks Tufty smiley - ok

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 88

h2g2 Guide Editors

I'm just double checking that everyone who has volunteered here, has successfully joined the noesis group and found the correct Editorial volunteers forum?

Shout now if you're needing help.


Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 89

The Apprentice

More than happy to continue as a Sub-Editor. Would consider extending this to Scouting, though if the Scout Pool is quite full I can concentrate on the S-E'ing!

Onwards and upwards!

smiley - cheers

The Apprentice

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 90

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi Apprentice, I've replied to the other conversation, on my PS with all the details about signing up witih noesis.

Hope to see you there! smiley - zen

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 91

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

This is the final call for all those who've indicated [Scout] on their preferred volunteer status to take their places in the departure lounge.

smiley - zoom

Boarding will commence shortly.

Seriously though - there is a dedicated forum for Scouts on noesis, please let me know you're around and willing to volunteer by showing up in this one.


Alternatively - reply to this message if you've got problems and we'll do our best to help.

In particular - if you're a Scout at present, and haven't made any recent picks PLEASE will you do so. We do have things that are ready to go and it's rude to the authors not to select them.

smiley - cheers


Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 92

Malabarista - now with added pony

You know about my access problems, but they should be resolved before too long smiley - ok So count me in.

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 93

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

It will be delightful to have you around a lot more Malabarista smiley - biggrin

In fact - it will be great! smiley - boing

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 94

Malabarista - now with added pony

Aww, thanks smiley - blush

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 95


Although my Noesis persona shows me as being in the Scouts group, When I click on that link ^^^ I'm told I do not have permission to access that forum. Anyway I'm up for Scout duties smiley - lurk

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 96

Mrs Zen

Let me know if that's happened to anyone else. We had some work done on Noesis permissions today.


Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 97

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Thanks for letting us know this h5ringer - I thought people were quiet!

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 98


I've had a look, h5, and attempted to make sure you have the Scout and Sub permissions.

If you haven't got them back, please let me know.

If anyone else has problems, please post here but I am sue out this evening so I can't promise I'll get to them straight away. smiley - sorry

smiley - fairy

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 99


smiley - sadfaceSame problem still. I tried logging out and in again just in case. My persona now says h2g2; I'm sliding backwards smiley - wah

Editorial Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 100


Just realised everyone else's persona says h2g2 as well.

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