A Conversation for Sporting with Egon
Cogent Rebuttal
Mu Beta Started conversation Oct 17, 2002
Strong words about the hooliganism, Egon.
Now, I am of course not condoning soccer violence, but I am even more appalled at the racist attitude of the Slovakian supporters. Given our suppoerters' immaculate behaviour during the World Cup, wouldn't it be nice to believe that the racism _was_ sufficient incitement for what happened (remembering that in no other country do the fans become so attached to individual players as opposed to the team). Domestic football supporting has seen great strides over the last few years - racism being virtually obliterated, and terrace violence cut to virtually nothing (except at Birmingham, perhaps). The response on Staurday was terrible, but the Slovakian fans are a long way from being absolved of all blame.
Cogent Rebuttal
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 17, 2002
hooliganism is rampant across the globe, in various sports. in cleveland OH last year, referees at a National Football League (NFL) game were pelted by half-full plastic beer bottles because of a questionable decision and just two weeks ago those same 'fans' cheered when their team's starting quarterback (QB, the man/boy who distributes the ball) was knocked into last month, staggering off the field with a "mild' concussion.
the absolute worst, however, happens in Little League baseball games, Midget League football, thru High School sports, when some parents become, shall we say, way too overzealous in rooting for their beloved children. a buncha kids are playing a dang game, fer Bog's sake, and some middle-aged, wide-body parent wants to take issue
with officials, volunteer coaches and managers who are trying to instill a concept of 'sportsmanship' and 'fair play' into children.
i have umpired in Little League (age 8 to 15) baseball, and if i were to try and do it again, i would need a tazer, a phaser, or a stun gun, and request a helicopter to take me to an undisclosed location immediately following the game.
Cogent Rebuttal
egon Posted Oct 17, 2002
B- from the article-"I cannot condemn the Slovakian supporters enough for the vile racist abuse they were directing at Emile Heskey and Ashley Cole."
But I still say rampaging towards the opposing fans and trying to tear the barriers down is, to say the least, an over-reaction.
From your posting- "wouldn't it be nice to believe that the racism _was_ sufficient incitement for what happened (remembering that in no other country do the fans become so attached to individual players as opposed to the team)."
Even if that were so, why were the fans singing "no surrender to the IRA" while indulging in their orgy of violence.
Cogent Rebuttal
egon Posted Oct 17, 2002
And also, the Slovakian supporters have already, quite brightly been roundly criticised, with the Slovakian FA sending apologies to heskey and Cole and the fans facing the probablility of being banned for the return match.
While Paul newman at the FA is defending ours.
Cogent Rebuttal
Mu Beta Posted Oct 17, 2002
What started all this off was those two big bold lines you put in, which made you sound like a Sun Editorial.
I may be moving to Hartlepool in November. Shall we organise a North-East meet-up? Any other researchers in the frozen Northlands that we know of?
Cogent Rebuttal
egon Posted Oct 17, 2002
If you do relocate to this part of the world I would be happy to indulge in a meet up.
Cogent Rebuttal
Mu Beta Posted Oct 17, 2002
I knew I was going to doublepost that.
There's a couple of researchers at Durham Uni, isn't there?
Cogent Rebuttal
egon Posted Nov 3, 2002
well, it's November- any news on your possible relocation to the home of the monkey-hangers?
Key: Complain about this post
Cogent Rebuttal
- 1: Mu Beta (Oct 17, 2002)
- 2: several, a/k/a random (Oct 17, 2002)
- 3: egon (Oct 17, 2002)
- 4: egon (Oct 17, 2002)
- 5: Mu Beta (Oct 17, 2002)
- 6: egon (Oct 17, 2002)
- 7: Mu Beta (Oct 17, 2002)
- 8: egon (Oct 17, 2002)
- 9: Mu Beta (Oct 17, 2002)
- 10: Mu Beta (Oct 17, 2002)
- 11: Mu Beta (Oct 17, 2002)
- 12: egon (Oct 17, 2002)
- 13: egon (Oct 17, 2002)
- 14: egon (Nov 3, 2002)
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