A Conversation for AGG/GAG - 42


Post 1

Darth Zaphod

The...end? What? End? Done? I thought...but...I'm confused...I WAS GOING TO EDIT ACC/GAG SOMEDAY!! AAAH!! End? WHAT?! I thought...but! WAIT! NO!!

DZsmiley - planet


Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - silly

The future is yours m'dear.
Now if you'd just not get quite so excited about the past. smiley - laugh
Issue 42 of AggGag was back in October of '02. Old news I'm afraid. For as you know we morphed into AggGag/CAC and began trying to pass the torch. smiley - dragon

smiley - biggrin


Post 3

Darth Zaphod

*phew* yah...I know...it just startled me...*sigh* how scary...I needed a good cry...

DZsmiley - planet

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